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Created on: 03/13/11 04:07 AM Views: 2492 Replies: 1
Posted Saturday, March 12, 2011 10:07 PM

I found this report card when I was packing things for my upcoming move to Evanston.  My dad saved all my school stuff.  After he passed away in 2005, his wife shipped his papers to me.   A virtual time machine. 

I was having a terrible year.  This report was for 3rd quarter.  I pulled out all stops 4th quarter and turned in my poetry notebook for an 'A'!  So I did graduate on schedule.  Mrs. Pink took me aside and asked "Who wrote that poetry notebook for you?"  Of all the tacky, lousy things to say to a student.  And from the chairman of the English dept, no less.  And that's not the least of it.  Miss goody goody pony tail student sitting next to me was given an A+ on her effort.  I knocked myself out and took the hill, and still I get beaten out. 

Truth be told, and I have to be honest even if I come across disprespectful.  I thought Pink's class was hokey.  She read an obscene passage from a paperback aloud - twice, just I think for the thrill of using the F-word in public under the cover of "educating."  There I was only 17, but rolling my eyes; even then I could see what was going on.  A teacher trying to be hip, cutting edge.  We went dowstairs to watch a movie; I forget what it was.  And I chatted with Mr. Pink, her husband.  He asked if I had seen Easy Rider.  I answered negative, and he rolled his eyes.  But guess what.  Still today, I have not seen Easy Rider and am not interested.  I don't know why that is.  I liked Clint Eastwood's "Gran Torino" and his "Million dollar Baby" films.  Terrific movies.  But I could never sit through any of Quentin Tarantino's stuff.  Again, I never saw the point of it.  Just like Mrs. Pink's English class!     

RE: Senioritis
Posted Monday, July 18, 2011 09:57 PM

See "Easy Rider".